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This is also a great study program on a seminary level and is probably the fullest resource for on-line theological self education. The studies can be done on three levels: new believers, foundations and seminary level. Lectures are by a wide range of evangelical traditions. The lectures are audio in MP3 format and can be downloaded after registration.

Certificates are now in a process of preparation and will be connected to Western Seminary: Spiritual Foundations, Biblical Foundations and Ministry leadership. You can listen to 25 courses and more in the area of Biblical studies, Christian thought, spiritual formation, ministry and more. Here are the links to the course pages:

Certificate: PAID - Ten certificates are available

Registration: FREE

On-line access: FREE, free downloads in MP3

Materials on CD: NOT AVAILABLE

Confessional Affiliation: Evangelical, non-denominational

Reviewed by Theology Gateway: YES

Last Updated (Saturday, 06 July 2013 09:07)