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Study New Testament Exegesis For Free

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This page is a step by step guide to resources in New Testament Exegesis.


The name of the book links to the site from which you can download it (usually but not always) so you should click on it. More significant resources have more links: read on-line (read directly the book), download as DJVU (which will link directly to the DJVU file) and download as PDF (which will link directly to the PDF file). We recommend the use of DJVU because the format is very light.

Method followed

We will follow the exegetical steps described in the book:

Fee, Gordon. New Testament Exegesis. A Handbook for Students and Pastors ( Read on-line or Review & Buy )

However we shall not follow absolutely the bibliography of Doctor Fee but we will add additional resources which make sense in the exegetical steps. Also the List follows a chronological not an alphabetical order of the books.

Step 1. The Historical Context in General

One must read general introductions to the New Testament here. For a list go to our New testament Survey & Introduction page where you will find more than 3 general introductions (surveys) and more than 5 special (book by book with dating, authorship and etc.).

Step 2. Limits of The Passage

The purpose of this step is you to identify the pericope. Find out what the logical limits of your passage are. This book will help you if you can find it (not available on-line):

Kelcy, Raymond C. Identifying The Pericope and Its Contexts.

Step 3. Paragraph Overview and Initial Translation

Use a Greek New Testament to make an initial translation of the text for yourself.

Download the New Testament in Greek or Use it On-line

Go to Novum Testamentum Graece page. We have compiled a large list of Greek New Testament texts available for download and put links to websites where you can find the Greek text on-line.

The texts for download are rather old so if you would like to use a newer one you should use an on-line text. The newest edition of Nestle-Aland's text is the 27-th but it is still not available on-line. The 26-th edition is free to use on-line on the sites provided here.

For Unfamiliar with New Testament Greek

Go to The English Bible (if you are English speaking) or Theological Research Sites for Bible translations in other languages. Get as many translations as you can and compare them to see the differences and points of conflict.

Step 4. Sentence Flow and Sentence Diagram

Nunn, H. P. V. (Henry Preston Vaughan). A short syntax of New Testament Greek (1912)

( Read on-line, Download as DJVU, PDF )

Step 5. Establish the Text. Textual Criticism.

Aland, Kurt; Aland, Barbara. Text of the New testament: An Introduction to the Critical Editions and the Theory and Practice of Modern Textual Criticism ( Read on-line )

Epp, Eldon J.; Fee, Gordon D. Studies in the Theory and Method of New Testament Textual Criticism (1993)  (Read on-line)

Step 6. Grammatical Analysis

Moulton, James Hope; Turner, Nigel. A Grammar of New Testament Greek (1906)

Robertson, A. T. A Grammar of the Greek New Testament in the Light of Historical Research (1914)

Step 7. Lexical Tools

Lexicons / Dictionaries

The Analytical Greek Lexicon. Bagster's Edition (1870)

( Read on-line, Download as: DJVU, PDF )

Cremer, Herman. Biblico-theological lexicon of New Testament Greek. With supplement (1895)

Moulton, James Hope; Milligan, George.The Vocabulary of the Greek Testament Illustrated from the Papyri and Other Non-literary Sources (1914)


Moulton, William. A concordance to the Greek Testament : according to the texts of Westcott and Hort, Tischendorf, and the English revisers (1906)

( Read on-line, Downoad as: DJVU, PDF )

Bauer, Walter; Ginrich, F.; Danker, F.W.; A Greek-English Lexicon of the New Testament and Other Early Christian Literature.

Step 8. Historical-Cultural Background

Charlesworth, J.H., ed. The New Testament Apocrypha and Pseudepigraphia: A Guide to Publications with Excursus on Apocalypses, ATLA Bibliographical Series, 17, Metuchen (1987)

Step 9. The Form of The Passage


The classical but very critical resource on form criticism:

Bultmann, Rudolph. The History of The Synoptic Tradition, Oxford, Basil Blackwell, 1963

More balanced resource:

Taylor, Vincent. The Formation of the Gospel Tradition, 2-nd ed., London, Macmillan & Co. (1935)

( Read on-line, Download as: DJVU, PDF )


Deissmann, Adolf. Light from the Ancient East; the New Testament Illustrated by Recently Discovered Texts of the Graeco-Roman World (1910)

( Read on-line, Download as: DJVU, PDF )


Aune, David E., The New testament in Its Literary Environment - Library of early Christianity, Vol. 8, Philadelphia, Westminster Press, pp. 226-252 (1987)

Bauckmann, Richard. The theology of the Book of Revelation, Cambridge University Press (1993)

Step 10. The Special Historical Context


This step has to do with Pericope analysis.

Huck, Albert. Synopsis of the First Three Gospels, Cincinnati, Jennings and Graham (1907)

( Read on-line, Download as: DJVU, PDF )

Newer edition: 13-th edition, rev. by Heinrich Greeven Tubingen, J.C.B. Mohr [Paul Siebeck] (1981)


This step here has to do with the historical study of Acts.

Marschall, I. Howard. Luke: Historian and theologian, Zondervan Publishing House (1971)

( Review & Buy )

Hengel, Martin. Acts and the History of Earliest Christianity, Philadelphia, Fortress Press (1980)


This step has to do with the reason for witch the epistle or letter has been put together.

Step 11. Literary / Narrative Context


Powell, Mark Allan. What Is Narrative Criticism? ( Read on-line )

Green, Joel. The Gospel of Luke (Read on-line )


Marshall, Howard. The Acts Of The Apostles - Tyndale New testament Commentaries, Eerdmans (1980) ( Read on-line)


Read carefully the whole epistle to get the literary context.

Step 12. New Testament Theology

For a list of New Testament theologies go our New Testament Theology page. The purpose of this step is that you gain a broader understanding of the biblical theological meaning of your passage.

Step 13. Secondary Resources

Visit our Bible Commentaries page.

Step 14. Real Translation

No entries yet. To be developed.

Step 15. Application or Hermeneutics

For a list on hermeneutics visit our Hermeneutics page. The purpose of this step is you to apply the text to your current culture and life situation so that it begins to speak to your contemporaries.

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Last Updated (Friday, 12 February 2016 20:33)