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Study Theology On-line For Free

On-line Courses for a Certificate (Not an Academic Degree)

This is a detailed list of on-line programs for self education that are free or partially free by which you can study different parts of Christian theology on-line BUT NO ACADEMIC DEGREE is granted. So they are pretty much like a Bible School. However the usefulness of such on-line self education is enormous. If you already study somewhere for an academic degree then this will help you in your academic studies. If you plan to study theology then this will equip you and prepare you for the future study. If you live in a country where it is not possible to find any theological school or you can't afford one this is a meaningful alternative.

If the site has been extensively reviewed by us (The Theology Gateway) then you will see a  "Reviewed by Theology Gateway: YES"

To be reviewed

1. Learn the Bible University -

2. Online Bible College -

Last Updated (Saturday, 06 July 2013 08:37)

Home page:

This are courses offered by RBC Ministries in the following subjects:

  • Old Testament Survey
  • New Testament Survey
  • Know Why You Believe - Introduction to Christian Apologetics
  • History of the Christian Church
  • First Steps in Christian Counseling
  • Bible Basics
  • First Steps in Effective Ministry
  • First Steps in the Christian Faith

Certificate: PAID

Registration: FREE

On-line access: FREE


Confessional Affiliation: not reviewed yet

Last Updated (Monday, 09 April 2012 21:02)


Bible Institute by the Bible Broadcasting Network

Home page:

This is an outstanding absolutely free of charge Bible Institute which besides lectures on different doctrinal and biblical subjects has a large portion of practical subjects. This is a site that is suitable to the whole family. You study subject by subject and lecture by lecture. Every lecture has an examination which can be taken only once. You may receive a letter of completion per subject, division and level (and there are three levels). After completing all 100 courses a diploma is granted. All certificates are downloaded in PDF.

Studies go as follows:

00000 Introductory Studies

10000 Bible Doctrines Studies

20000 Christian Living and Family Studies

30000 Bible Book Studies

50000 Bible Electives Studies

70000 Teen Studies

Levels go as follow:

Almost all teachers are doctors from different educational institutions, churches and Christian organizations. A list can be seen here:

Certificate: YES

Registration: FREE

On-line access: FREE, free downloads in MP3

Materials on CD: NOT AVAILABLE

Confessional Affiliation: Evangelical, Conservative baptist, Dispensational, Pre-millenial

Reviewed by Theology Gateway: YES

More info on the courses:

Last Updated (Monday, 09 April 2012 21:58)


Dimensions of The Faith Theological Educational Program by Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary

Home page:

This is a great program  with a seminary quality but compressed to 10 subjects covering Old Testament, New Testament, Theology, Church History, Evangelism and Mission. The lectures are in Real Audio format and can be freely listened on-line or purchased on CD. The lecturers are doctors from Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary:

  • Studying the Bible for All Its Worth. Biblical Interpretation with Dr. Douglas Stuart
  • Creation, Covenant, and Kings. An Old Testament Survey from Genesis to Song of Songs with Dr. Douglas Stuart
  • Prophets and Promise. An Old Testament Survey from Psalms to Malachi with Dr. Douglas Stuart
  • Christ and His Church. A New Testament Survey of the Gospels and the Acts of the Apostles with Dr. T. David Gordon
  • Letters to God's People. A New Testament Survey from Romans to Revelation with Dr. T. David Gordon
  • Theology Matters I & II. What Christians Believe and Why It Matters with Dr. David Wells
  • God's People Through the Ages I & II. A Church History Survey from Pentecost to the Present with Dr. Garth H. Rosell
  • Loving a Lost World. Evangelism and Missions with Dr. Timothy Tennent

More info on the courses:

Last Updated (Monday, 09 April 2012 21:06) in Partnership with Western Seminary

Home page:

This is also a great study program on a seminary level and is probably the fullest resource for on-line theological self education. The studies can be done on three levels: new believers, foundations and seminary level. Lectures are by a wide range of evangelical traditions. The lectures are audio in MP3 format and can be downloaded after registration.

Certificates are now in a process of preparation and will be connected to Western Seminary: Spiritual Foundations, Biblical Foundations and Ministry leadership. You can listen to 25 courses and more in the area of Biblical studies, Christian thought, spiritual formation, ministry and more. Here are the links to the course pages:

Certificate: PAID - Ten certificates are available

Registration: FREE

On-line access: FREE, free downloads in MP3

Materials on CD: NOT AVAILABLE

Confessional Affiliation: Evangelical, non-denominational

Reviewed by Theology Gateway: YES

Last Updated (Saturday, 06 July 2013 09:07)


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